This prana should be controlled by the process, of pranayama, or the practice of breathing .The Swami says: "This control of the prana brings complete subjugation of all the forces which govern the mind and the body". The Yogis say that the prana is the king, and the prana should be controlled for calming down the activities of mind, because the prana and the manas (mind) are inter connected together. Again mind is the finest vibration of the prana, and matter is the grossest vibration of the prana. So the mind and the matter are no other than the prana in vibration The nerve centres of the spinal cord (merudanda) are the main stations where this vital force is stored. There are many centres in the spinal cord, of which precedes the whole body, including its organs. All sensations and motions of the limbs depend upon these nerve centres in the spinal column and the brain. There are two currents, which flow in and out of the brain through the spinal column and nerves; they are called the afferent and efferent currents, in Sanskrit, idea and pingala. They run through the anterior and posterior channels of the spinal cord. These furnish the two paths over which the currents of the prana travel. The nervous energy itself is scattered throughout the system, and the only means of regulating it is by controlling the principal centres or stations in the spinal column. If, therefore, any one wishes to control the prana, he must learn to govern the chief stations through whicn it works. The prana being controlled, the mind is controlled and there reigns the tranquil peace.
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