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Sworn Enemy The Beginning Of The End Rar: How to Get the CD Release with 11 Tracks

Seemingly invincible in whatever form he chooses, Mumm-Ra appears to have a singular weakness: seeing his own hideous reflection neutralizes his ability to remain outside the Black Pyramid and forces him to withdraw there in his emaciated mummy form. However, at the beginning of the second season, the Ancient Spirits of Evil overcome this shortcoming. Mumm-Ra is a master of deception, and will use whatever means necessary to fight against the forces of good. In later episodes, while endowing Mumm-Ra with his powers, the statues of the Ancient Spirits of Evil come down from their perches, and extend their arms over him.

IlA , filCUBA'S FOURTH IHUTllDAY.nouns or cni'.r.n roit run sritt;u(ii. i xii I'M it tors.L'elrhrnlln!. ufllir Anniversary nf Cuban Inletcndi nco -Jrrl .11 mr In Connor t nllnui .linarlrun Hrmpuilir vtllli luc No.hii Heroes of l.lboilr.The Cubim patriot ris'ilent uutl sojourning In New York yostcrdsy celebrated the fourthnnnlvertary of Cuban Independence. Tho CityHall was decorated with tiu Cuhnti, American,ml municipal colors. t)n Hie StS oRlco andoilier buildings tho flag of Cuba was hoisted.At 11:15 osvluto of ono hundred gun wm Crcd.AtU-X) cituincniorutlvo services were held InIho llplscopal Churcn do Santiago In Twentysecond stteot, near V'lfth nv nue. Tho exerciseswen) opened In tho bppoopalrun J, tho Her. Mr. Titlum orldatlng. Tho Tttkum and (Irani! Anthem by the choir and conC.cgatii'ti concluded the opening vxcrclirs.Tim Itev. Mr. 1 'alma delltcrcd n sermon InBpuiilsh on itrlllin. lie poltiled out thet- n itt i't full h and patriotic hope In thofr.e.ids of Cubit the sunt, daughters, fathers,mothers, r.nd sisters of struggling patrlots-as-a-mbllngthus j ear ufter ) In n foreign Imd,to pray f"r tho ultliuato triumph uf the hivedo i"' at li"ine. He expressed tint fullest connilgn. e In I lie lln d triumph of the right. Theb rvtcos closed with it fervent be iii'dlttlon.Till! (illtlT mi ktimi.A-early cs seven o'clock last evening, Cubanr)-iaeiilsof this city, nnd A nie-Ic.nt sympathizersltd the Cilia:! cause, Logan to as-semblo aroundCiper Institute. A band was stationed In t lietulcotiy toe looking LTghlh street, and the fosthlllos wore enlivened by national and popularair. Iloiiilniitid rockets Illuminated the scene,nrid rejoicing was the watchword of everybody,I'.itrkill'' Cubans were gnuped all about thea juare, and " Iva Cuba" shouted at Interv ils by cunltant men and beautiful women whoIntro faith hither country and Its future glniy.The gnat li.ul of the Cooper Institute had beendoco a ed in nbeautltul Mid highly appropriatel.iiiinor. Tap entire auditorium m canopiedw ib star-spangled red, wnlte, and thin bunting,vr.iloli hung In graceful festoons from the centretitho opt"slte walls. The blue and red predimlnit.d so t ut I io elTei't In lo kiln: ilpwirdwis similar to tniiing upuli the bluonky of a summer's oii'iilng. The atones oneither side of and upon tho Mace were drapedwith tho American Hair, which fell In heatyfoils, fn.i i.ii s entrances of ciiil'lamatlc grandur. lu the contro irai n devlco rnprcscMlnj.the Ootlde. of Liberty. On olihtrsldc waslheAt icrlcaii Hag. In her right hand, w Ich wasraised so ns to cover her breast, she gra'ped theputilcm 1 1 t uliaii lndopcndeuce, end on herlelt was tha sword, which the sTiiggllni heroesof tho' l Island are so nobly wielding Inil -fi ll e i t llH'lr rlgnt. Lnohiig down upontho Midi' ic'c were the features of the fret menwtto havo w ui n place In history by iiiart)rdoinnnd extraordinary hrau-rv In the wresting oftheir land from the grasp of the oppressor. Then in. o Licareuo. Icinicto ALTramonte, DonatoMaru.ol, Julio SaiiR.dl. l.uls A)i-tarau. andMariano I.ot.i will loreter b d'ar to the Cubanlieart, and the .uidlence as they gaxd upon tin Irpictures decking the walU abote ami to rllherado of tl.e st-i.'n wero roused to that healthytat of pnlrli'llc excltenienl which only a pen-i-orlrvd with a noble love of eounti) for eountry's sake are apablc of feillnir.Tin: rniEMis nr i n .Uy half pa.t T the luiriicii- hull was welt tilledwltli natites of tho beautiful Isle and theirA uiriciii Irb nU and sjm: aih..-f. I; w is ana alienee the llko of which Is seldom set n InA nerlca. J he majority were men. hot with thenclti'd I ! . I wof. h Is characteristic of O.ilmand h rp' 1 1'. Hut many ladles were presentto eiu t1 e scene. They were no lc-s earnestbud i .11 1 1 -i i tli ill thuir stroiitf -r compaiiloiis,and they listened to the sjcehes with tho sameeairerm ss. and thmited t'liu.' " and "Unite'"with tin appreciative zesi. Could thi patrl its ! t'.ib.i. stiiiMlmit In their mountainuri'iik-le 1 1. hao witnes-ed this a.embly inh n.-'if i lief urth aimlversiry "f their liecl.irca t 'ii. ' lnli pi c r'alnly a m w uni cl us w . d e . . ii to Hi 'ir p it ri ..i-m. and t icyId Wl.h r llewed Inipe f l Il I.' b"autl-lul l oan rj .- id I s lu.i .tit d ri.wri'iiM.At 1 o l 1 1, prcil-elv the ban 1. v. 1 I h Il" li I'lion t-ul", eliteiod the h ill and t" klie '. wlil .i h .d been rescued for tli-iuAt thl-1 '...- iho li'Miso was p.i kul to the irdo irs. aii.l Hie itir rc-ounde I w.ih loud " vImi.. :and to, -'itn '11 of uf feet. 1'mc n.Ulene,' wi re Imp .t. n . irlir llano n CVspedciand .il r i ., r A. lhitiastci I ed upwi lot s u.e.follow d b the i-pealicrs aiid lmnortd tmesis i ft iu eti nlii.. Their Mitrance win trie su'iuil f"rm oiitb ir-t of enthusiasm, the like of whichCooper Institute has seldom known. "VitaCuba, ' Vita Ce-pede," " Vita Kail i." shoutedthe exeiiod fir ng, while the tery buildIns shoo,, with the uproar. Scflor t'e-pedeib 'ved r n ef'diy, and the i:entl"uien took iinureats. A'i in the , romlneut oei'upanti of thep 'Ifunnw io J. M. Ma'Mrga. ths uviieral ujrentof fie C .b .n repiil. lie, (Jen. Martin T M' Mainui,J nn A T' wn-. Inl. Aik-ernon .-ullitan. .1. M.Mettre. .'n .Mitoii'o i:ti.mrln, late Cuban Coinlulisloner j and II ono ClMiems.As soon as the t-ii'liiisi sin bail sornswbttsubsided Si n r lltiiuion Cc . di. the K.ptoin tile t oinii.i-iliiner "I the t. iil'uii Itepi.b.i' totiel'hit'd -'nt, s, and Iho in ill wiioiu til Cil-bjii-lute t ' i all the.r rriihlJIn. step) id I" I liefruit. 'lh a slL'iial lor a Irivh bin t ofr"ieerm.-1 u J "tins." Seuor Cisk. t s towelhh ackH'otleiU'iuenls, and ufitr ijulel was leulorod aid :t'CHANs ami Fsliiw Ciriirxs: Al'cot me t t Introdirrtiyau ns Tie ( .islrmau of our uictiL: t u tmsa I ir'i 't fi ." 1 i ixt t titi Ins kaui, n ta .ti c rl's ii'trluj stru f l r l.i Je,.euUl:Uie-l as A. U.1U.At the mentl in of Mr. l nut's n tme the ni.iltlludili oke form iiiidii Into a pirli-i t whlriwindoi applause. Mr. Dana Hepped lo the ile-l; undI oked down up ,11 bis iiiuliunci. At that 11. on '.'lit K'.n.c olio In the throiiK arose milloutet,, j luce i liters lor Charles A. lla'ia.Tie call n .us les.ii nded to Willi ul.icrlt) ands.'iilt. i.iree in I;; .it Inuas rang out from threet ).-"i'i tiii.j.its. ami .Mr. Ii.iii.i bowtd lislh Ilk- A ,lio laat hui'.i dn d on n tin ..Ir theI .i. i nn '. .o tho eh Hons an h in. " flail Colain la." At IH close. Mr. 1) hi s .id :Kill. HAN C ahum. J.ei : v ' n '7 1 ss. rt n t lia-tfn' i". U'her.wers'ri t' i.ii l.ri-iir)" rplle- lc...c i a' r.,ts (I na i . - ii i. il. i' r i .iui. l-i I h- la-1, ui , ; ry oti' . i t 1 e.i Ti lla i.e.' Hlul ffe y Ullttc U ly,I ll ' 1 . . Ii I H I. il I si I. Aitt H li ll I t Is I nilI ii I i 'tlu'itri iin.d p . iin.r 1' ou tiu il ,u I - . . I t.i r us u, mii ii ire r -ll et tintt ' Jit s '.i ii t'.u, fur t is ii ,i,it st nf uil o ijr -pi's tin; Hiii' of in ii. o'r hotrt milIsr i a. ii-1 ii, n)i ii ii y I r tlifiu, slm im ms) wellnuctsw.' ' i. us i.i lAi.riM, our f)inl'Slii sad enV .urjtt' i ilMi nor . lit ill, it slul ifii jil will. Wetri-an' t.' Ilia ShnuU cl Ii loisin, nn-l tofeel icus' w inn a w ithlii us iiv the rei ord. Hut Inttuwliulr K'S-il lilsi.irr there U tiu notili r p t. lufirenili'r r i.' r i tli m Hist tnsip l y llir pairiMs l cuOallnlr tru Is for 'ii.rrty an I 1 yui'iraiio nt.And for w lint i . it th-y i it ml' I tiu ru'it uf istfto ermi , nt tie rent wltLn helunics lu muu. Hirc inteait fur treed .ui fru n f.ruu.i a itiun. ThItrtsi tsiie r ai u.l nuje all men ii.'ivir. their oirnslsirr t l.y I'n.ulil uot Cu' nil l-ilsi -r hroiie ti n ie ut f'ti'i i't, fur me I'tlucallon f her tlillilreu, an 1lie t e 1 I' ulllulli; the ll.ll.nsi.f Hie L..rl.i ,h '.i.i. 1 nt. nl'il ir'ni'ik.".' la ill r- my r as .ti w hi sttit'uuli.i.'t' lus ui y i r iplu tiu'l. r the sun a ri. ttucusi. . i"- h i',u uf t.iat ii, .u tuttri ll NoI ' i tin I .1. . l.s the rlKht 1" tu ttulLinu. 'llidtlss(. . . tv wi. ii ii b I i us in Iiit una hens. Cheeis aielri , .'i i ..a !,.! ttiey i.r- ii.litune for that nir tw ii - 1 1 - m f- acnt -'. it It Ciiln. thai we ihuuluit.. i r t.ert lu btin.u'.uiu iliLiu tu t ersevere inI . -r l.i r ii '! , li.r r u.i . i' :i i in -w n rlii' n u( Hi I'dHi-J St ,tc, If. p .r s i ill. i s n- uf hi, ci.i- .ii, a i-urruw st t mi . i . i t i, , i.L, , h ' ii ir , U j "Ur t.uttTU'i. t 'i n ii ' i . io U'i t , Mine ri Is farm ' li out r i,i , . ,, i'lit nn i li n we liu v I lljny amiI' r i" 'i w i i i a ,j ilm ,t t el utn to mirnme 'ii w . ,. ifla t, le lp t ii'i'i Its n oil,, ra- -en l-ii ini'l h lp l's. tt u ill uui uf Ll. i llt ins ill l , , , u, In III) lieUiitem, il im Hie tl, t' of tills li ti i ii iu ulil I iiiia I li w u it l.i w , ri liej An. rl i' r i i'. will it w lit e i u u n n-e uf t iii? r mil)-.I lail I tl si. -w fin Vim i ii n - htieln meiii s, una' tlins,' w i u at , ii li anil iiu,',lin,f llir mjri liiuua in(ubl.tuil .'i iiutlull. Vuu tillTttiln u ir llbtiit), snit c i the wtii'ie wurla wilt ct me fitrwsrd and rm-Oitulienil . Kiiii'lri. iuu, wheu uauiiratloa U cueau oaa )uu dute ui i I iint )u. ultimate iucc-m no Intelllzcnt renter nf hisI t'lry i au Ui u t We know tliat yuur persereriiied willI at last be r' until d wltn victory, Vuu liato (uujililI f'i,ryi'trs. dt a r r iubht-i wl.o have wremod llielr InI a i" uueui e fro ii t-pain nsve K'tn fuic't In itriuh1, I, imrlsrlt yisni. Cubs. I tin. T, w ill fnllnsr tll.lrM ' - I'l' vli" lii nililitu .icr liiili ami ynurHi O i i i.i, it i j rtunrded with the KdiiiPB ran .ii an . i --r uf all mankind,W A"I,ll,:,iBs HBS0H8 CI'JiPEDrJ" AND HAY01IO V.In con. I i-l. ui Mr. Kami Introduced BeTiorItaiiioii li-,,!,',, to tho aiidlciicii. I lo waa received wilh i veij demonstration of enthuslustli)cutouui. lie r, ,ul ii bnef iiililto.s, revlowlnysome of Ilm heroic d ei of the Cuban p ttrlots.ond uiglng upon lh rosiilunts of this city to aidtheir lu others in ilie iilm ,Ht if tholr, power. Il luedlcted tno final sue, oss of thorevolut on, and ended by tlruitf tho uitliuahutloussoinbly with " VIvjCuiul"J.M. nior.'it, the acting aaent of the Cubanj III public, followed Scflor Ct'spuiles. lie spokulu an sl, ami Ms tiililrcss w.ts brief and lln uiueil the luliaut to unity of sui.ti(in nt and iicltou. He silil ;M fr.i i In, wn huie iiotlilnir lo rauio in tu d" iius in-1 tin ktiuiia r versii. ; uy' i a .- hu, .i ng nut iia, mil y i we haw cui.ijainiif 'i -it" tiuii u of hi . I Ii i,iiireuiuit lur tin1 1 'i - ul l we iittpalr to daj i.i i,.,.uLeiiHiu'"'" 1 '"'''eii Cull. ( C.iu.l, lli' "' ,11 1 wml mill tho Chairman than Inuodiicedtign. Martin T. Mo.Mahon. The aneiik-er, Ukn idl who tirereded and followed, was I Imt 'ciidont of cheer Uion chcor, and lira uponI'lt'ii. Ilosald;tins, m'maiio.n'a AKtiCt nA.vs: I thank you fortlils very tlinlml I'ntletlni rrct pllnn. Ilul I sm not here to detaininn I'T an elslKirste apeet h f nun llslenllit; tu your couinIntni-n iihu will atlilri'ta you In your own Isnunatie' Iilu.iilr ilrilre lo tullfy ty tny presence here my unfailing srii pitliy III tliecjiisc w hlili denerves the sympathynf evrr) hiini'si una who is a frirn'l to l.nmnLit). wehate much to eiinitraiiilale ourselves upon on tnltfimrlli snnliers-irv uf tlie Imlepcfnlciiru of tutu fortrecant that Inrtet'emtenfe as acrti.ln fsrt llemem.lur, no nsilnn eirr Ihrew oil a fnrelitu ji V" but wilhyiars ol blotnl) sltuitnle. Let nn I. tibia Im ilispmiiu ntTno Cnhsna tni it du thev ire tl'iln-ork out t elrtisrn redemptlun, ana wlim It Is dine their rnmu olllory mil lo all the prcsu r ttiut ll Ii won slnnly endiou all know ho the dliliononble vUtlancs off.counttj that has inrneil lo liberty hsi tut o!Tfrom your tirelhrrn all hel i frnmjen. onr countrymen stand lu-ilay more Uulstert soy hand of is.trlnli ever Unoil hefore. When the; win, as win th'ymutt, they will Eslaa crotin null as no oltn r peoplecterwore. . , ,. ,We at 1 't may tnttt tl.em will' our wotili, I on I)believe Hi" uiilei'ciitk'nee of t una to he asstin ii ll wlint Pi lh" proildcace uf ii.'.l tint su iiiui'li 1 1 d ! i:Mhe split, and , tntirlt hernlitu dltUvett, and nil ini in.I BtVnly hrlitie the hour ot your trnmii'h Is athand and that for years tn emne t uhana will tnret henevth the sun ef lint riy In the h ovl stsined aire, is nfHavana, where ate n.,w inurilirlns )nnr In lues, toshout ss j..ti sin ul to-ulntit, " liiui .epiHuaa itCutit.' (Ihitrs )prurcii or Mtt. MnsTiiE.When tho (Iftietnl eoiu'luded.'nn excllablo Cuhall Junipotl up mid slurileil, "'1 luce cheers forlien. Mi M..h"li I ' They were glictt with it will.The Chairman then Introduced "adlrllnxuMii'ilrUUcti nf Cuba. Honor V. M. Mct-tlc."Mr. Mestre spuke s.itno I'.flceu minutes, andIds aih!r"-s w.t.t full of tlcrj ilvpiciice. lloplclured the wrongs which had been heaped uponCuba In tho smtilili inotrircli -. and lie snoka Inthtlllllli; tt'lles n the si. flVl Oil's and pllt.ltlotisof tlie li.-bl" b.aid i f pnlii I uln nre Hghliiigtii'altist idl oL-tuih's for their ouutiy's tret doni.lie said sWhy arc we seit,tileil hi r" to nUhi 1 To leii brstethe grevl it of all prlnt'llilii. lib' rly W" I, at' lienitnik'Rlei in "ther cmrtn-s for ICeriv In rrshee intni'detn ttmte-ior this Is lh" itsy nf l.iieriiilon. lintwhen ii' where have we h, hel-1 a craud-'r sptitaclc thantheitrni?ile t.f ( uhaantltn rpstrlnts nttiiaitoiirof'pnason In t-psln? tvi-y.ttii'ii, s'luird the itresleit rep'iblleIn tits world, ma Aini'iles, upinse our llberailunDuly became tin rc are mine nf if- olitieal prlrrlnl sevtant low that wrerked the hus'and Hie pri Tv.'iitambittons of the Caalilisiittinks. And ) el we hm e a nnslfjnh In the American i:eiu be that It will do l.oner toItirlf and t.eod tt.r rrl'S of III own Uru-vllrif brnthrrsWelnit tilth In tl.r reruMIc llir republic that ihouldnot aud will not acknuw lidiii' tli" bp-i'ilsnH.Scftor Meetrc then nppealcd to tho lvdle. Heasked them It they did not ndmlre the old(,'ntlllan rplilt of Independence which led to thedl-coi'-ry of the falrc-t tiortlons of the NewWorld, iiml laid the foundutlmie of some ot thefairest republics of the western hemisphere,wrrre the sun's raja fell scarcely aslant thoequator. The lieaiitlful sefiorllas responded bythe wntlngof haiiilkerehlefs. lie enurluded byan eloquent appeal tu the grand spirit of libeitywhich is nurtured In the breast of etcry truedescendant of Caslllla. lie sat dmvn amlit the"vivas" of the men and the approvlne smllca ofthe ladles.IttM.MlKS OP TIIH HON AMI. 11N0.N e. SI'IMV .Pefior Mestre win folio.,. .1 i.y A I s.-i r :i n Sillitau Ills address vt. t li r. but pMMrJ.aiilaroused much rntbusla-in In lh n nllence. Hesaid :llapps . thrice tvppy, Aiaei ta' "!ii' the t hrU'it dvyfurt'ie wr'il wht-u unrirs pu- epjn hrr own head thecap of I.PTty, mid hit waisi d a I'ril' ttt Eileen an-unglh Ihr i sith, w, list i i;l'tlt.iit privilege ti'ibeinhers! Vesr after )e r It lutl hi . n hei I'm lltire to't nd a ordlul tatel nf grcet'og to stl poor, im ken,heart-lirukru niters w,u srt it.ught'tf lur freedcui Instl I'sru of the world.Aa I listen, d to the wonli of the lat linker, att'iuiiti ipoki ti in a 1st.cii;e 1 ctnad underitand. thetlmUfcht came In me Hint li.-r'. in Ills ha'l, lanipledwith itara and urtrei. at-uiti r tirf.Kiiion wsi palliuma s:ad'vy prueeiilcn. I th v nms of 1'ie uiltliAU'ertcan rt publics it'nies; i-t, ii nii:bt. Ksir. tniibe, dliig. wtef.iltrf. h'-atl lirosen P. ' aud llut.k'aira. nl lre.snd euiin: rcre, and met tlie l-eitit'.rtii, inun).iluwrrr, ftiutful Itlaud "f the t r"i lei, I una, Ii bete.Her i )c jrc wriclrig, ajiu.e'rftie Is pale. Put leanii-, la tiie eyes el ti re en1 an . or. uts the d't'ruitnatljti and rrsoluttun that Cut a sbill he free and a MateIn thl I'lilen )i'. (ttee.l M.e loii'l the I'nlte.lMi'i a froei iymyait,y. and the l'nlie.t m it, , one .vi Ian 1 ire I. una. irt.iere.i 1' a case of niiitaal sniuii).1 heir, idiei ai.a ft ui.'iiicii, are my s,iitiiiie',ti. i.iuerty lia ursi.d ctft and u rest) h'trd- n. Its pcfiemuniLts'li r ipuiisn illtles. Ite tery Mel that selniteitsi'hihed ta tiilsco'iotr) a frte luii ruuiei't, tualtes ituur duly lo vindicate in beauty of free guternuit ,.1 .to ilu'lieste tan riKht nf t-very people io ssiett andture me saaie tu iheiiist-ties. hi I us ictie uur ItsniU i-'our t tibtu I rutin ri. and thus il-u a the purtr druksIrmii (ru duin's ipnug. I tir-l tlut a then si stii-l-iiritn.iihen we srain nn et in ibli vaie" hull, ami 3ta .tifnlvr ll Mils csoupl, we lusv sll r-ice. n t ssjt st t Ubl ! d-tltrtd tree, hut Hi ,t I U'm I. " tli. HIds''l to K free to l. u an 1 tin. wlel' wuildC i- n.)M Willi IIML M) f. S. COX.A letter was it nil trotn M.ili.r Hall stating thaiowing to :-n unexpected ofl!. ei.a' ineiit. lie.. tl'l ll it be pH'ient e'.th 'r al lh" tileettn.- oi ulthe i oiiiini'iin rutin ' ereiii"'-!' l i the I p y Halll'.irl;. lie grained them the u of tho fieldplo e with pleinure. He was ul n Willi lliein InIn. -nt and spun, and Id) n ;ictted that hecould not be with the ayi.i; ,:i'l.;ers with, theliravest tieoj le lu the w. tld. Cheers folluwirdthe reading of the letter.'Die r cici.iry iidvo'ii i"! to t'ic stand on thestage, and sa il that h" held In Ills band a letterfrm ' in of the most distinguished st..' stumin .New ) tr!i -;t liialiwli'.m all wonld delight lohonor with their votes. 'I hat mini ivi- ainucl. Coa. llio l 'lluivillg is Mr. Cox s Icltei' :Vl-.- Votia fitv, net. t, 1Mi Its tn sir. lletnrnlna fruui tu) t uup wn siipui.iln.,1,1 1 1 und i uur .ui itatiur. 1 an. t uu.m lied i ,. t 'ehrii tut, o-rilie. lam Interested lertidiv In thenl"irsil".i nt t ind' i-udeuti . aud 1 rejuici amill.ei VI. t -list t. al t .' Iwtil.. uf lite. 1. inh. v ii . '. , istaifi I ntsi d win ti w u in turn . 1 smi tani i ..ea I') a ietit uf Out) lufnlM api'utl.liut nil uf iti, "l.iK n. ii, 1 iitiitt'. a t'slr. tn i hitacier alreu iy r.i- ifur'l tl'etefon- esu ui.lyitlte iuu lt.eae wunlftiiuu my pr s m. ' ami Oui will wmk .rt u'.a. II I tiiU't-; le It eull-e uf r' pehll" tn frsft. t.i.II nee It Is tar cuurte. All Hie luti-i.s rrl'l'e" frumthe iiuu r..ti, ut Is " rcciraitiua," t,.urst and itiril.T..ti I lor huuetlitue. Int' rnat'onsl law would saiiit'.m ill h tetu.ult.'iD. Piuuii al bi.iiu li, she wilt ) etur tiiiiu'iieu lur ktr and Iiii;i,i:iic caur"'tiiwird mat lilsnit-ait ilii.d re fsilhfiil lu the lulltrauluoua uf auih an1 Aiiii-ili'-ii ilbart.Yvb.attuij, S. 8. fox.J. M. Maiobc.a.Mr. Cox'i letter wa' recrli cl with dcafnilngapplause.'the i liiiirthen Inlr.'i! .ccd Mr. Col. micas. whor, ail in .-piiiuso i putu t.i ' p 'jiii, it ril'.cn tv;ei hill) fol the in ast 'ii, in v iiicli the f .n rltic s ofthu innitsrs nf lilteilv were dti! si birth, andUrn pifilictl'iti nutle tnui "tuba t,ouli uclioo." 'I he reiulir.g ol the IHiilli Wa.s fit iJtlil )intetrupted with cheers.Tin: itr.v. uit. pai.maV spiiKrit.At the el'ue of tho rci 1I1II..11 lh- H. Jlr.Talma, lector of llie Ciiuren tin Mtitl i i, wasintrnilui ed to tho audience, n .il tleliienil anadiln ss in Spituisli. H.s ,.p, e irnin ,. vv it- ihc mgn.d for coniin.i dchecis, ). , ,mi.i'aliiii'.ttd tnefilemls ul Cuban independence Una the cantea, .n well iw il was, in ilc iv of ull that cil taan I might be expe 'ted. The day was t.row in.'lulghtcr lu lore the iiuiil tlanu. tn now appro, n n iho time when 1 alt ti slinuld be mustsleiidlus', liHaU:0 It hears the fruition of hope.i, nil, wiu couiiii-it'ds aiiinug the ariii.isor the skiesA'ldr.lis uuii.f i :-n will ii t !t l:ie taiiseif juiticitall tu Hi" griaiti'i, en n o- l.c rik'ards 11." iwa.njMswhin the.r wltiks giuw f i.i. t. Ablate p utle iviinIhe) c tu i1 t ttuttil) Hpf.-ut tu t.i.d a. id Iuu justice ofti e euuse lur n Un-ti they ilrjw Iheir iw-unu iiiusl slntlitltruugh tlie dArsars Ul luit. Tile lllei .It' frit Lullhave not liur will tliiylusa isllh. II.h ItepuMlc sltA.ljel triumph b) me iti'in i f Ond and tut itruug vruia uliliusn wuu du natiie fur Ihu rUht.The speaker then apneuled to Ids nudlenro towitness the. sincerity of til faith in tliu causu inwlileh ho and fill of Iheui were so deeply Intcft steil. A klnini of approhtitloii fnliowed.Again ho appealed to all the world, asking whoIhcr any people at uny tluin hud uiiiilu u nraicrbirug.'lu lorlihett). ami unre miiH' ileeirl'iing ufof I hey f t itlil u ni died fur. Alio.lierstorui of uiplAU- loiloiied.II" briciyaiid cluipn nt,j dcsirllied how thot' ii iaii u.lilii,rt ulnl inoirwiiei nnd iliiughlcrshad been licutcd, and upproptlatnly npi.iirupi li d loo llenil- wliu li ll 1 not onlv thus tr.nnplod on lll'ity but oiitiagid huniaiiity Itsilf.i'oivard ti.'; ciusu of bis fpitpienl uddieaa li"rei lied it ii"rtl"ii of it grand old tstjidtiti-it punm.uxpro'sltu ol t Ii" h v i " f 'iiy Unit iitilm itednil trui) loieiv oi r-elf-goicrumunt. Ho wns In -ipii'iulvUtleiTiii'teil w itn tippl uise. and w hen lieruilrod fiinn ihc platloi'iii the mint of tho an Ieti' e lose in i"''j(;ii 'i"n of di voll"li lo the caii-e.andgiiet d lo n with i ti -rt. Jlr. J. I). Thompson was then lo' met need , m.d d eiu tired a stirilnuspvvun, niter wuu u iho uiuetliu adjouriiod,.Muulfcslo of Ihc Ailing (icnrrul Agent ol Ihot,' n bun Itepiibllc,CriiANs! I'our j-fiuv li.tvu inmseil ntvnysince tho first shout of our Inilependoucu w iihi'Uid on llio hunks of the Vara, nnd iliiring thisllino the roMim of our brothcra lu tho Uold h.tsproved to tho world that Cuba In worthy of horireedoui.If u want nf resources had prevontcd tho wnrlioltig carried on na tlgoroimly as inlgnt hewished, our unity of purposo has neter fal-tt-iedfor it Llngln moment, (in tho contrary,tin-ti l) lack of moan.' has served ns n tulinnliiufor tho most important military operations aimto bring out into bolder rchul our constant,')and Mill-sir rllko.tiur rutoliinon. like others nf Its class, busiiiidcrgono luil.itioii uioie or lest Important!but nil tin ro ham sorted only to Impel It uponlis course, us iho frail b.tik is borne sufelyiiinom.'Iho Ihiudtiulng breakers to llin harbor of Itnlost. Veil' li ) Jar our t'oiidilttiii has gone onimproving, and It can safely bo asserted ll.atnwlay the rotulatloii Is moro fortnldahlo ih.uiever.l)ur strength Is horn l.ot oulynf tho feelingwilh which tho Into of lliituly inspire.t oilisoldiers , not only of the icsUtuiii-O und couragwhit li iinlmiile their geiiorous souls and ol I lu ) rcoiitliiiloiis and glotloiis tlclorios, lull llliewlHiit n duo to the weakness anil ills irgan.ailoii ofour enemy. Hut li Hiusn fat ta .tin mident.If wi, i ail a rctinspcctlto glancu ou r tho jn.irthat eiida to day wo aliall bo aalonlshed .it tliupluvrctsnl tliu involution. If llio. territory oftho republic has lost nrotilid tin thn Im gained It on Iho casteni; If n fewuuwnrdlv spirits havn weitkoned lu Hpanlslibraggadocio und have foolishly truettd to falsi)ptoinlses, on tho oilier hand our at iny ha tilledup Its ranks either with iintrlota win) wore before unarmed or by desertloni from tho enemy :mi that to-day, as a yenr ago, we liavo In i ourarmy leu thoiifnnil ttell-tuini-d ntul tllstlpllucdaoldiepi, ivsolted Id coii'jner or to die.Thero lire still Initio VIII is district bndlcaofpatriots, and ns soon ustnllllaiv rtsouices canbe sent tu them soldlerswlll swarm theru Bgiiln,as those of Cadmus, up-springing from thn earth,(icu. Ignaclo AgrHinonte, thn dr.incs guard ofthe revolution, (till Holds his ground (u C.inutt'lioy, and his exploits lu t'ubltas, Nitjara, N'tioitas, Kl Climlllo, Hanlii Cnu, and the neighborhood of tho capital, htvo covered hliu with unfading glnty. I it'll. Vlceiito (larcls, illh hishatidfulof heroes, has destroyed the fiinnlslihosts in a liuiidred Ouhts, iuamu.'lng by dint ofextraoitllnnrv ciiurugi'. persovirance. and skillto hold his own In n illstilcl the Ic.ut fnvnied b)tnii ii e fne our elnss of warfnve.The tielKinla Modesto Dial nnd tail lVmrrdo, In lUtiinii) nnd Man.'ani'lo, tba ill-fatedlucliin In Holguln. iiliill .illxt.illitrcl.i In Jlgtiaul.anil Maximo (limicjt In Santl.ino tin Cuba". Into spread lerrnr In tho eiieiny srinks, at Is tcstiflod tnby the nieiiiornblo nttlonsot Congo, of Hue) y Vh nna, nf llnlrie,' Mavar' o i f li,-n'i"u,t, and of MonteTniiitl. wTcru"'th"irhcfibT were driuiohcd by thoblood of our oppressors.What, meanwhile, has happonsd ainonrt thfp.inlnrds? 'Ihelr Iroups have lierli dei luiatt ilby ihe climate and by the bullets of the pntrlots ;d.inppi'lntliient, tll-gti'l. itiul de.iioi.ili 'utlmiurc rlfo ruiinng thcni: their moil cx) -ilcnecdoflli ers have be. n recullfd to Hpahi : the tiovcrnincnt tit the ii: i lu r couiiiiy Unds Us llunnccseach dnv lin te f liitisled: It lit .I'lttnta In vainI" elfei t in.pi'S-tl le bans which will licit r bereiogi icd by the Icgltllna'o (l.tvcrlillicut ofCubt . II i annul send f' -Mi mldler to till up thedi plct"d iniiks of it - nrinl , the Spanish Hank ofII.lV.uill is t.itti'llllg t . Its full: li e itmib'ililll.atloti and Insolence ol the volunteers Increase,and Ihe very exlsteiicn of thi'se iilifot tuli.i'nCubans who live in ill irlcf In I.I In -utijcctlonb) Hpnnleh li.i) ha become Insupportable.Miireoter. llie voice of Justice lias oblulncu nhearing, and tho i lillled world eiiilnr-cs ourcause. It is true thai not u single nation of Ilmmany who sympathize with ns eo tleepl) hasstretched out tn us u protecting hand. Hut.what inatlcrs Itl illory Is not bought cxieptnt the rust of sat llflces, nnd ours will be gloat.Cuba may be drciicheil In gore, nnd utterl) laidwaste, but after all her ug.'ny her sons will seolit r illuminated by the consoling ras of it liberty m much the mi re cherished by reason of Itshaving been won I y their own unaided etforti.We shall be free and Independent. Ppaln hassought In vain to enter Into it compromise withu. Willi u sea id blood still warm llng betweenus; with the shades of the noble llginredo.Agrainoiite, Marcano, Agin io. In. Ian. Ayestanu, and hundreds of oilier victims erjlng n'otidfor vetieeatice ; wilh tho outrages on our wive ',sisters, and da ighters illl freb In our memories; wltn the villi! recollection before us of theInfamous robberies nnd un'ivenliig llij'isllee ofwhich for npvtanl nf three centuries wehsiebeen the i Ictlni". can any orrangomeiit be p.tas1I'le." ,o. It I' t.xi late to pick nn th" giiiiiitlelnow. Independence or death : there Is no middle way. . .V. lint do we lin k t T our final triumph? Terseverance to the end. Let eicry Cuban helptl.e canc "f our coctitrv with nil hi strength :let ii" one glvee.irto the ln-lil. i,' worde whti hwould Is'gulle hlin finin Hie put It of lioimr. .u.dlet us root out frotiianii ttgoiirseliei. the sei i ofdiscord ' ""ii b the eimiiii. Then completevittor) wl'l i rown our i ro itsCuii.ins: so little Is wanting forthc fnsl .vei mpllslilnciit "f our i l jc. I. 'hull we hall h dfway? Nol 1 r"t'l your tepli on our lips. Inour eves, and In that .n rd loio of e. utilr)which Hits votir I leasts. Let tut hate faltli, perseverance, n-ul ul. n.Al th" s'iir"i'.ii of theie virtue the exterminating ancel will brardl-h her llamlng -wordmer Iho head i,f our enemies, t ic Spanish Honwill roar h's lsst roar In our woods, and the la.neFlar bnniier will unfurl Its clors to Hie admiration of the w rid. proving tni.l It was del' tide 1by a '" I" noble, happ). mid ll 'sue' '' nt.Cuban! Vltit Cuba! Vita la lude't n JeL' In !Vim r I lUercIti! l.ltieri.ulor! J. Jl. JlAioiu. i.Ntw VoiiK, Oil. 10, l?g.i:ir vutr.r .wir.. lltiaties ftam n III pmv rlierlfl Aooil.irIII tietlli- III Tlouhle.MiP ll oxilti'llli llt v-.i.s in oj-liimil J i-tcr-ilavin Jersey City by Ihe tcport that (.ni"f ofl'oll. e McNi.llui who was l.nli.t il for i ont-pi'.-Ilyin the iittempt I., lo't the I'lr t .N.itinli.'iHank f .lersev Cll), had lied. Many who lindthought that the Chief r.n Innocent, and whoexpressed their opinion tint he was tho vlel'ine,f a conspiracy, have elibsr had their faithgreatlv -li.iKen or now l -llcvu him gulll) of thei rimes charged acslnst blm.Sii'-rliT Iti liibarilt l.svliu; falh d to produceMi llllanis e b nlj In I oiirt "it Wi !m-diy afleriio'iti I nf'tri Htljt'iirtiuieiit. pliietnl the i... 'tor his arrest ill the li.ili lst.f DepuiT .sheriffCpmiIii. uli" uriestcil the Chief about s 1o', !u. kill the t'vitilng. As I'.'ere wete rerd) t"enter lido ur. Ilea .( ?iy.(i f,,r the Chiefs nlenraine for trial. Judge I led le was sought for.It was lennied that he iuiil gone to Newark, andwas expc ted t ' rt turn on the lu o'clock train.The parti repaired to the depot, and on the arri,al i f Oie .lodge m tll-d to hliu to take ball.Judge 1 1 L' . 1 1 . .tssiired ibeni that ho would do sowith plea nr.-. I, t 'hi t 'n the cn-e of an Indl. t-II" tit it Was lie l s-i.n f. ,' It til to tie t.iK-'ll 'lli.h ti Court. Crotiln then took bis prison, r t-.I. aid Ihe colllitv Jilll. tin tlie v.av tlie) stepp, ilInto l ot per Mall, lu' ie tl.- I'"l" ' lleuil'iunrtcrswhere thev in. t i. tectli" Howard. At Hi. renin si "f tlie t Im f. H "..ii 'I induced thn injurySln ritf I" all"w the Chief I" g i Int. 1 1n- te it laidiiee.'iup.iiili'il by nllll. Chit f M. Wlllluua did u ,tIt was said b) some of the Chief's frlonils tintIhe Chief hud out) taken this course to avoidbeing loi ked no "tor n'ght. and that he wouldpresent hlnts-lf at I . .rt wlt!i hill tltirltutiiemoiiiliig. Tld he lulled lo do, aril the "i lull riwas qeneriilly exprectl thai Iho Chief waiguilty ol th' charci'i tnttib' ncsliist him, andthat he had tied tu escape u luni t -rin in theStale I'rtS'in.Phetltl llelnhnrdt dotalhd sevenil eirllccrs togo lu ipiest of th" fiigltlvo. Tln Hr rcpoii'Ttins assured iiiglit by parties who ought loI iioti that the Cnlef I' in New orli mid will bolortheoiiiliig durlni: tho day. Keteetlvo Mowurd's case, for aiding and iinotilng the Chief toi cape, will lie laid before Ihe tlraud Jury.svt.Li r.tx, tiu; ri:x i: .n uvr.n.The (Tuise ol lieu elites rHsliiiiiieiiis und.tluhiiiiov ul'inr n TIili CA few vvt'i'l.s njco, while llio wot kinoii inChristie's confectionery, ut 8sU I'earl street, werebeing pn'd "if, Michael Sullivan, alius smith, of101 chriT) street, walked In, nnd mmtchlug (.Vifrttiti the counter, ran out. Tho cn.e was lepnrted lo Capt. Clnvili, who dol.'iil. il DelectlicsMiihnney und Kitslinmons to capture the thief,riullliun IimiikiI that they w. ic after him. Toelude them ho went home every night by way ofit l"iig. narrow nllet lending fiom Oliver toCherry street. Ho then climbed mor fences,nud reached his garret room by iiie.un of tlielire escape.Vestordny morning tho detectives tpiletlyslipped Into the building and begin to ascendthe stairs. 'I'll")' wero soen in S.illlt an, w Im hudbeui on the watch, lln leaped upon anotherbuilding, hiiirled down through a scuttle, nndran lulu a yard. The dotcc tiles oulelJ) icttai i dtheir steps. I'iZslmiiiniiK ntull n.cil hlniHitf atIho on t nun i' of Iho Catharine struct alio), w hh Iialso leads Into ('linrrv street, while M iln-ncv followed SnlUum, wliu had rtluibetl mer hevei.ilfences, and was riinn'lig through I lie ullet. t-nl-lliau,se. lug l'llsli, "lis, tnruetl it'iout und lanlu ink, closely pursued bv llio iletectlve. Mitlmney nttempleil loheadolf llio thief, hut ho spranguver it fciii e.Millli.iii e ded soverul fencea with tho onicorsafter him. I itsliumuiis diow his rniolver amiwas uli. nit to lire, but some women got In tliuway, and he das'slid. Sullivan luadn for 1 litenir me to another alley lemling into I ink streetI'lt .Simmons ran around thero, but Sulliviiitutiied into the alley Ici.tliug into ( ilivtir street,and reached llin strei t. Ho uoiv had it stnrl ofabout ono block nil MithniiiH, iiml run up Oliverstreet, anil thence aem- Ch ithnmiloivn In I'mirl,with the dt'tuctliu after him. Mnliouey leapedon a car, which citukht up tu riiillltnti, who hadslopped to sou 11 tin-pursuit win still kept up.He was collated and taken lo the Oak sticet pull in station, llu will ho mrolgned IhU murtilngat tha Tombs,The Ciiluretslniiiil Noiiilutttloiis,Tho dllfi'ient I'liiiinmiy Convresslouul N'omlnillng t'ciiTi niUni nu t ) es t rilny. In the Hftli 1)Irlct, Col. Win. r. liubuti was uoiiilualed. lu tin'till h district, Jatui a Pruuka leceived tho i.uniliiat'iui.n ihoHcvinili in. li let,. f. W. Chandler. Anthony I UKliiitf.und -ti llli wero nsini'd, A ennfert lice runt,lint lee IV .11 tii.lli cd. It Is silld Hie tun It 1st willn line tn run. Ihe Kighih ami Mnlh Ul.lrlUu ul.u ujiilnlliled cilllt.'ri'lii'e ctnuliillte -a.'Hie l.ll.i rsl lu puhlifiiii Nuuiiniilliig Cnnvrnllouaalsiinut )ittnlsy. Ilm 1-lfHi HMil.l nppuli tod n t n:itcrtnet- fnttiinltti e, lllssttllllat-tlnii mis t-tprt-aicd it'he net Ion .it the 'Isiuicuiiv Cuivnitlun In iiiuklnir nuuiiiturttl'in wit' nut eniiiiiliallnn. Iiurlng Ihe meoiuiu;'11 Ihe 'llltl lllstllctlt Ce t'Kstlull frulll ilill ThiiiIiisii)iiiiienllun I'liiered nnd uiiuii.inti'd that Ilm llnti..lAint's Itruoks had hi en iiuinluuti il hv tl'iuit. 'Hienu-i.lii.ithui wiisai'i'ruvi'd, and n cuinniliieu iiiinitcillo tin'' t tint 'iaitiiiiuiy Cutniiiilteii uf tentj m,e t"nuttfy Mr. lirunks nf Ihelr lubn sellun. A f huliiihoiuuapniietl t-iuiileliinlug the selluli uf Congr t-spieltnir iuiinti-r t a int gisiiis lu r iilm d uirimi luni int Ii setemti 1 iiiilt i a c.inft reiicii i tiniuiiilt n tt u s,iiinnteu, wilh limn c lima lu presH Ihs i minis uf MiI'cttir I eiik. lh 1 I Igutli mid Ninth HI Hhts ucuuiiit. dcoiiitnlllis a of io iferi'iicc. lu Ihe Ti-mh lst,-li l Pitutiudu Wood was m.""r.-i..a (kiuventhiua,nai:cviiii'n sn.rr.n ri:misa.A KeiiHttlentilo Heetie In I'ljntoiilh ChureliA Cniiaregiillon In Tenr-.1lr, lloccherI noble lo Pp'itk lo Them.Tin- fourtli of thn "tiHps of oxorolspa comiiii'tiiiiratltc t f tho twenty-fifth anniversary nftho Hov. llenr) Watd lloechor'a connoctloti withITjnioutli C'liuicl, llrooklyn, took place jotterday, beginning with tho cuutoninry prayer mooting in thn lecture room at 8 o'clock A, M.Despite the unfavorable nature) of tho weather,lu tlie evening the church waa well filled, and at7 o'llock tho pioweetllnifs opened with tho performance of a voluntary on tho organ by Mr.Ziindcl. Tlie quartet from tho oratorio ofr.HJah, "llolv. Holy. Holy, Is (lod thn Lord."was then sung hy Misses l,aar, Klnch, Toedt,and Sterling, with chorus by thn ehnlr. An Interval of pi.Dcr and Scriptural reading succeeded, nnd an aldresa was dullicred bv Mr,lleecher. at Ihe clise oi which "me Hiiver vv eliding Anil phi." an extremely tlever production,composed expres ly for the occasion by l'ruf. It,It. llayiuond, wa- sung hv the choir.Tlie great evelii of the dnv was nn address bytho llev. Dr. II. S. Stntrs. who, Iwentv-Bve yearsago, w u uppolidisl to git e Mr. lleecher the righthriliil of fellow -iilp ou his installation as pastorof vjeitU'Utij CliVtl'tl lie 'bok.' ot Mr.Uecehcr.s tl' rjrcii'. ' eioe'Tier in Anictic.i, a",u regretted that tho cist of Ids acrmons wasnot more faithfully rendered by the"pros, "llio original Words," lie ttald,"wero tn the new paper reports what rt pyrotecliplc display at night U to Iho emp'y rocketca-e tho following moriilng." Ho attributed thernertnotis power Mr. Dec h'T had attained In1,,. measure to the cxtraordln try vllalltyard fresliiiesit of hi-'- mind. Ills tllsposlllon. hobclleied, was b ii.ttiint cotnliallvtt nnd pugnatlttii. and he was never so couipli tclv In hiselement as when the chinnr was loudesl nndthe light fiercest. He then pioccedctl to relateliuneit us hi. lileiiV of Mr. I'.ce, Iter's sparklingvitncity and read) power of retoit." Kvtv lien," toitliiiind Ihe Hiei .r. "have illiTen ilnkiiewiihty In Iheir vplnltitis than .Mr. livelier sjidIiieelf: It woiililiiut I teeuie uie lossy h1..i wos rlkttl,Ij't there can t e i.o harm In iny laying that he siif:eiieraily wtoug. lie hci, as I hate freuin utly toldi nt. itiinoralied moie yi ung clergymen Ihsu nny othernisii In Ai lenca, fur many nf Hit dulls, latlug hlinli.rll.tb uiod I. lliiuk thty hate only In iltut sbuut lh"i'ls'furiit, rstcgihetr tnfres In a mir sn.l Pirn sunild'lug tn a tilniper. lolieeitine rrftdi.tiiadeP.eecturi. ueierdrtii'ut'tg or Ihc falhonilrm dertn of iiuodlhat Ilea Inh'nd sll t'il."Ur. Stun then spi ke, with the utmost fervornud patluif, of thcl' iig of friendship between Mr. Heeiher and himself. When othermen hnd only spoken to upbraid. In had neverI ul - ed hit voice cxeeft Itl cilllllmtliill tu defence.When oilier, onlv wrute In r.inejr and bitterness, he liadmvir put pi il to paper except toencourage nnd commend him. In concludingIds address, he tuttftl to .Mr. lleecher. and tendering lu hliu tho right hand of fellow ship, as apiarter of it centiiiy ngo he gave It lo the votinglimn wliu nunc to llrooklvn without tiionev.friends, tu 111111101110,1(1 push Ills fort'inn tttnoiigstraugcrs, with tl.'ll'llig In assist hlin but Insown eurna'sllig ginlus. lie apoke of the ela)imiio hv in n tnaiiiier that left few dry eyesamong hi- audience.Mr. fleet hi r all. an led t" repli, hu' btiftt Intolenr. and vvas conpcllcd to lt down withoutspeal "ig.The Itev. Dr W J. lludilli'gli'ti was announcedt 1 tlelii er an nddr. s ; but w i t tt prcat delicacy Indeclined to niaki am p tii'irl.. and Ihe d it'sexeri 't es termltiii'eil with the singing of a hymnby the .oligit-gati. ll.Mit. si:n:n:u'S huatii.The Progress or llio Ill-ease ihnl Tei tnltinleilMs I. He.Afiifiiv. Oct. in. Mr. St'M'iiiil Ituviti?taken cold nlllng for a tla)eir two, w as. on the etc ulng of Saturday, the fitli,ecued with n severe ' hill, nnd ills physti Inn. DrTheeidnro Hlmoii, was .iniiioned to him. Ilhad been during llio hiiiiuiier lu his ordinarygen d liealtli, suffering onlj frum the Inconvenience of Hie i.inn'-titnr palsy of Ids arms,and had lncn er.gngnl lu preparingfor the iivs Ids account of Ids relent Journey around lh" world. Thochill was that of ordinary tertlvi iigu. aceoinpi'iueil by a hnrasmj cj"'rrl nl cough. Hit's("llowitl by fiver r.nd delirium, which lastedtill late In the uWht. On -11111I v In-win up 111lh, itflern on, t"tk h!e ilaui.'r. ami piss-il aeomfortal''" nlifhl. On M"iitlat. with Ihc 1 i ept Ion of hiscoug'i i-'id catarrh, he was comfortItbie. i.nd tin tttici ns usual I" his assistantsIn the i "iiii Ikitlt 11 of Ids book. He pln)tdwhU-t Mi'tiday et.-ning. but nt in I'. Mn slight chill lie, ur'cd. f. l' nve, lit tlcliriniu andfeier. witli aggriti.itcd i.itsrrh.l ills'iiil.nlice .11th lest, will, h Puled in aril nil night hlspht-slclau seeing him 011 ibis account after tnblnlk'ht. On 'I i.e-ilm ttnitnlog. uft-r some sleep,be w -s again ' "ttct ard ilit'te out In the ntlernoitn. but fevr. iieiiiium, and rc-ficsnes.t returned v. 1 1 ti tne cm gh T i.'sd iy night.On t edi'iotbtv li tlroic out tor two lio'irsnliil dicta"!! to Ills amatiuct -H us usual, tlnnuliliarrasse-d all day witli ctuigii and catairlial elluslon In Ihe chest, vt eduesilay eietiiug liis coughabuted for a w IdlCMid llier- seiiieil n I runil-eof a gni d mght, but tlie f'M r, rest'.e '.no,", it-idcough returned nt bediltue. Ho was nearlysleepless lid 6 o'clock In the morning. At 4A.M.. tn relieve tin-tl ilium of lying sleepless,he had his son William read to Iilm. He sleptniters pretty well Idl ll A. M. of to day, tlnnulihis ,'iner k.-pi up without an) real remission.Al Ir If im. ' 1 l.i. wes seized with grunt iliftlcult)1 f breathing. 1 m 'd by u sudden catarrhal effusion In n the lungs, . .mtneiiclng Willi tho rightlung sod - "in mi ,.,1111; the lelt nisi , which 00-ift"ii" I til d nh 11 iib.nit iw o I. ours.lie court ulneil no apprehension put tint lieshould im over frum the it 1 ... u t, cnunlialKiiuu Inl In.t idght ; und tins ui"., w nil.' athis n,'n. nnd 111M1 the eoi.dlili.u . 1 iru-.-n'iirpilsv from which be his sii:r..rct so longtlio fact that Ihe fever was Im re- ug uponhi 111. together w Hh the eatnrrb.".l di-t ul' ince. ledim ph) slcinti to apprehend 11 fatal res ilt ill tnecourto of it week or mote. Vet 110 luii'n dlatefear was felt, und Ills dlssoluiioii was suddenand uuuxpoclt'il. Mr. Seward's liilcllectu.ilfai nines wero clear and vl-oncs In the lost,bale when illstutntd hy tho paroxysms of feier.Just afur tin' 1 tlusniii fiom Iho lungs to-day,and thinking it would rclinte ids brcui'il ig, hewn, at Ills own dt'rirc, pluced upon 11 lounge amiUilsicrcit up, uutl inoiod from his ndjoiiiltig1 'ilrtiotii lulu tho nud), whole, l l tho uildsl"f his books nnd his l.t'Tiiry nnd oilierpapers, and sui rri'iinitcd by hlsrrlillves anda few friends, nud all his tletnted ilepcndents,Im I rent bed his I it. For the last li.nir ol hislife, its Iho powers of nature were giving wi y,Ids condition Pei ame eusy, it'ul he spent ttiethuu In atTectlonno lenve-tak'ngc ol his rein1 1' caml di'p, mii nts, ami dually .tank uulctlvto III lust lest, ns If going to sleep.A Supposed linllnii Noble t.iitti Ittirue.l tollinth.Yesterday morning ti tire broke out In theifcr'tnt iturt of the tentnirnt huuse 15a 1 li'.tbttri itrt-et.It orli-ll.ated near tliu ilairw sy, end Is llimnttt.' to hateht eii Ihe wink uf an Inctmltary. It sal ntiii,tutht'ilWilli a life uf anttlil IT '.Ai Henry fhiali nf hook and Ladder Cumpauv No. 9wti leatliig the ihird it irr uf tne building he i iinnteiinit'r le tlurre.i hud) nf u inun. t hi a 1 caiefully liftedHi enrpie and tiure d utit in Hie sir. 1. '1 j.i r Iht'icI, slus ut re rtriguiied ns Itiusu of au Italian, one Autoiii" tugge.A part nf Ihe burned linll.llnc 1 a I been occupied liyNlKI- I sieal, 11 Im r, died his rntuiis 11t.1l luuk hostdeis.luuitly Italian ihuiP'I :11s. Puk'tto Ined in the turnerruuiii nn the third st. rv. ll 11 iiitpu'i lh, thewsail ep when II." r.n- I r ike out, ami, aiti nipiliig tut !'ii pe, hi taine h 'itlldrrt-d. rugg is h.nt iu Lute f ecuan I 10.AU etlle, iiroai'rihed fur pulltU'sl tneuces. It Is s . Indict, -1 tli-.t I iitfyi' was uli asstiiiiednsuie, nail t athe was u seiun ot a noble fsill). 'l.u t nrem tUu .t lurj. uf the rt tuuius and will hold au impicti ltfls) ,Cen, llnrluiv niter .tluxir Hull.During tho punt few dajs Attorney-Uenera!ll.trl iw has ueen urglDR the (iruud Jury ut the teuil ufU)tr and 'reeitituer In find a uew liitlli 1me.1t usai,.'tilayur Halt. Hi" lieu 'rul a ldresscd thr Uraud ,l..ry t naa hourun Tin sitjy. Ib' u d tht-y uttght nut tn adjournwithout present tllg another In iletllient atralilil (tieVlajue. luc 11111, h as he Is slul si ;hu head ul tlie ell)goieiuine. 1. slttii'iiu'i churged wlih 1 utiipllelti lu tneirumla ui the Iting. 'Ihe l.rncril was very nitlirioward Mr. Hall. He artilied all surti uf cpllheU tu IiIjliuiiiir. nui l.ti ari'iiiuiluns have nut aa yet prnuiiceitany truit, tin-tii-uuil .lur) lii'iugutiure tlut the ult lull. cimi'til is anil priding. II is atld ttiat the Hun.It lie ler II. P ekhaiii il-o Itilcuds lu sp.tlv in tliu drai il.lur) In I ilul Ihe Mayor, inn eii uf llio pri'tmuipros-, Mti'tiiw uf tlie iiiuiiDerauf Ilm lulu Tuuituai.t lllugis about isn.KO.A Miiii ith 11 C.ui'l del it Tl lul,Jl) thl fit 'ur ut 7'.l VilliBin: In tho article "Socrcteil Indictments" InTlIK rlli.N uf 11,1a itull- lll I, sill" til Will. I, tilth atmur.He was ludlcteil im lUlcd, und has constantly urged atrial and fulled, fium tliu fact that tin roll uu truth luIhethiirgeK.I lie Culled tslab'S Hlstrlet Attorney Ii In 110 mannerrensursiil" fur Hu' il -Is) , Iuu the panic wluiinsii mcdlliupruc.i-1-illutfs. 'Hit') wellki oiv ihe rtsuli, 'Iwtitithe.sllll-i urrielt'd III III slltlll' III il tel. ulle dtsitiiirrittl 'IIpri'lliiiiiisr) cvtiiiiliui'liii,, the unit r Irlod und ucipil ledlue lUstuil Ailurii") '"il 110 iluiinl nlur a 111ta: hunaskoil. ii.un.Ac, .1. I., tit 1 lit in n,Atlerury lur l.tiili. 'itl tottfc, Oct, Iu.Not (iiillly.rocoiitiiTpmi:, Oct. Hi. Jnnios 1'cr U of Vorlinuk, 1 hargt'il wilh minder In killing Ida brother, Clios.I'crrU. io tlm nlKhl 1 r tlie Kill of August laat, h id hitnii n. t re .'nil e i' lu-i's). Im- n-si ui. 1 1llu tu tl ti tl tl o .it 1 was eiu' it'llti il 111 it'll uleiit 1, 1,1 dihfl jiuy luuiiu a 1 Ii 1 of " Not I.'" 1..."A I i nnd ( 11 11 il : tin 1 1- lur A lilerin'in,Itl bill. veil Hut C c iiillo Hall lh 11 . 'iul I utiiiuauu .lain i J Trsyii'ir fur A I'riun nn tinpi'iirr 1 lh t Mr rr vn r I-Pre' "tent 1' I Bt Patrlrk's ktutual A Hist simsvr i .1 .r t iuTHE OCTOBER ELECTIONS.11 nmnticKs n v it 1:1. r electeduormtxou or Indiana,The Legislature uutl the Heat of thn HlnteTlrltet In Doubt Oulr Tliree Dcmoernllof.'iinxressnieu Eleeltsl-A Metier HhovrlnEfor Congressmen In Ohio nnd 1'cnlisrlvniilit The Vote of I'hlludclphln.Tho lntcst from Iiitllnnn indicator tliooleotloii of Hi'iitlrlcka for Oovonior bynhoiitCOO ninjorlty, hut n-slm runs ahrml ofhis Uolitit It Is thought that tlio Hcimhllciuis elect tlio real of tho Stnto ticket nntllosslbly tho Coiigrtusuieii-nt-Igtrfie. Thobomot'rtits t'U'ot CoiifrrcAsiiicil In tlio Flint,Bwond, ntitlThirU District, itnil tho Itt'imbUcmis clniin tho rt'3t. Shanks is elect eelovor Xi'lT hy u citmll ninjorlty. Tho ilologutloii will, thcrt'fori', stand thrco Democrnts nntl eight Republicans ouliiUlu of tliotwo ili'h'Knloi ut l'lii't1. Tho LoglsluturoIs itrohnhly Iteimbllcuii, though tho Dctuocruts claim II.Thn ivl tints from Ponnsylvnnla mnkoltcei tulii Unit Ilai traiid'M ninjorlty U overLtl.dtW. Later returns show tlio reelectionof It. Milton Spcer lit tho Iliiiitliiton District. Tills nitil;ee tlie deleRiitloii stand 17lli'lHililk'ttiis to lu Dfinocmts. The Ioeglslatiiic Is miifly I'atiieron.In Ohio tlio l.llientlH iimlie n net guilt ofover 8,(H)0 on tho voto for Hecretary ofSt He tu fur us lit'iinl from, nnil over 11,000for rtuiirenie.Iutlgc. Tho (inml ninloiitywill irol)tihly oxecetl 10,000. Tho Demoeruts guilt two t'oiigressmeii.INDIANA.The r.luellon of lleudrlrka Conceded TheHeal of Ihe Slulr Ticket tn, Oct. 10. Tho returns received to-day urn not qulto as favora'jlo as thoreports of vrsterday. A closo canvaaa of the rctutns to-night, oDlclnl nnd reported, gho Hendrlrks about t.riO majority, hut as ho mna ahead,tho balance nf the Democratic Btalo ticket aro yet In doubt. TheIndications fin or the election of Hendricks by- aHindi iiiajnrltv. The Legislature nn Joint ballotIs In doubt. Tho Uenato Is probably Democrat Ic.The Democrats carry tlie First, Bccoml. andThird Congressional dUtrlcis. Thn ltepulillcansilaltii tho rest. rJliauks Is proiiably reflected,but his majority will be small. Tho majorityiii'alint Voorlices Is !. Tlio result Is an closeon the State and Lcsldatiiro that It will requireIho ofllcliil returns to determine It with certainty. To-night tho Itepul.llean committeeconcedes tho election of Hendricks by 000.Ileiiitrlrlt'a Majority About fiOO-TUe I.eclslurr Probably, t)cl. 10.- Oilieiul returnsfrom eighty counties, reported majorities fromnine counties, nnd estimated majorities In threecounties not heard fiom elect Hendricks Democrat for (loternor, ?iy ut") to NO. The balanceof the Stnto ticket Is probably Ilepiibllcan. .Mr.Hendrnks runs ahrud uf his ticket In almoston ry , utility.The Hepulillcans haven mnlorltv nf four Inthe Senate and eight 111 the House of llepr. sentallies i crinlii, with u pruaucct of ten majorityIII the lower Ihui-c.laitcr rcl'orts from the Ninth CongressionalDistrict, elect Shanks illep I Thlswlllglve thelie publicans a net gain of two district Congressmen, nud u fair pi t.spoct of electing both Congressmen at loir.-c.The counties not heard from aro Dubois, 1'orryHlld btat k, nil Dt luoi ratio.The Itepubllcans t'oncrdr llendrlchs's KlecItnu.but (Inlni the ltd ofllic Male Tk'kslnud the Legislature,Inhi vvvpoli-s, Oct. 10. At It o'clockthe Ilepubllcaiis roncedu the election ofIliii.lri, ki by flvo hundred niajurlty, hutclaim the Congressmen nt Large. Lieutenantlioierti"r, and the balatvo of the Slateticket by from 401 to ') majority.MlducV inujiirltv In tho Vlrst Ciiaressloiial District Is U'i. Hunter's ilicn.l majorityover Vo'itlieet la tin. Mi tli District IsistV The Hi'"iibllens clnlm ST Scmlnrs to KlDoinot -its, aiid.'vi llepiibli.'iins to , Detnocrvtslii the House, giving thcui a majority of It onJoint ballot.Ct-ii. Crestrrll Cnutrile llrnilrli Us's I'lecllonWAsiliNiiriiN, Oct. 10. A dispatch received by l'otina.ter-OeiierBlProswell, from Indiana, concedes the election of Hendricks for(inventor by a small majority.ottio.Large Liberal (Inlus Determined lo Win InNovriiibei.I tU.CMiirs, Oct. 10. SUty-Mx out of theeighty-eight counties ot Ohio show Democraticgams over losses of .iT, when the ltepuhllcaiimajority was sn.lf.s. Tlitn gain Is on Seeretarv ofM.vts. tin Supreme Judge the gain Is sli thou"and .-rt-ater. Uiicouraged by gains In localitiesn t cvpei ted. and bellntltig losses can bo retllevisl. and t thin, like Indiana, given fiirllfoe,tl.e l.llieral and Dcinotratlc Mutu Committees g Into the rresidentlal campaign deterliuneit to w In.VENN 1 l.rANTA.The Vole In l'hlladulplilu Ilnrtraufl's .llu.Jorll) SO, 131.ritiiAnr.t.pinA, Oct. 10. Tint fullowingIs tlio voto In this olty, as returned this morningby tho ,ud;os!Cotvinor. AUorntv-Ctn",Ilm I- Ilm l- fo-t-ru Jl oleic. fn. lev.llitrj.l. , . Am, i. -,,Vlrst JtJ ITW CO 1Truii'i '4i st arje 'mieh r.i u a i?.u tun mtrtiirlh 1.W1 an IJil ti if t ti f,t ixn tr'i hisH.llh SVl IIKI KH 11.11Peteiith is.i Jt.t troHfl.i.i tr.'j uvv am i.Ninth MM M i 1216 totvtetllll allU IWS ll 1UMH, renth STl li twt li'HTwelfth 1SN tun ISISIhlrieenih 31SW ir.l llfl lealt'olirteenlll tUtlS H I tVM WIt'lfleeiitii It'll sl Wistltirruiii im uni is s i.'siSet uleenlb 1XS 1H7I !! nrjflKlghteeutli S IS H.M 1? tlm '."! UAi r.Twcutlflh St51 !BH Still ffl 5Twint)'Urit... Ii'i I0IS 1M.I POtI weril) leconii JS4 17il SSV 1T4Irweuly ihlril til Itn SBi 1I!STwi'uiyfnurtli l) IM'. SuiU itlctit)'tifll 1U Itol pel il ATwenty uih LIS 301 l:ni Uvilll,lll)Ut.'lltll IVO Hta 1 N'lIwent) elitiiln 1U pii.1 IIM leltlweat) uUth Ui IBS Wi ll.STntol O.fTi t,M (Is.lH H,:.Msjurll) W,M1 IV.'J '.IThe tote on Coiigressnien nt largo Is Todd(Itcp ), (I'.l.tUI ; Viiux iDem.i. U.l. VI Todd's majority, t'l.tllfc: Scollcld tltep.', W.UU; lightiDcm), ts.irtt -v'olleld'ri majority, SlJTilj Albright tltep. I, (W,'.i5: llnpl.ius (Hem.), t7,llSi-AI-lulglii'smajority, L'lan..I(. Milion Spi or, I e nocrnt, s elected toCongres lu t lie bi'M iitecuili Dlsirict by fsu majority.I Ins di-liicl w in yesterday cuiiccsiod tu llio lie-publicum.The r.lcctliiu 1' ru lids in rhllndelphlu.'iu 11 Ihr IVlklilt "ntl Ajr,Vint Ittvpectulilo cituens wero iteiNunitlod liofoio Ihey got lo the polls. If they wornDcinocrattt, their 1e.1l votes were refused. IfIhey were Hiiliciils, tliov were uilinlitcil, andthus two 1 nice w i" " pi 1 licit fur one lutiiio oil thelegist ry. Tho I'nlted suites M:h-IihI iipiHiinteda tlespertte crew tif HatucHl rulllaus, who Hie) lind authoriiy otcr the ItdeialSupi rvisoi's. '1 nls will! so far Hint III Ihe TenthtViird I' idled states .-iiipcrt lam II. men. 11 rcsiM'ctui'ln cili.on, was dragged mil of tlio pic. In. 1h, ins. 1 und Itiiprisoni'il by 11 lie illy I statusMurshnl, nud tho eh'ctton went mi without tliui.rupcrtislou ivlilcli 1. in federal (iovcrtuuint usbiiuieil the poner to make..s'tcoiiii- Avast niiinbor of citizen were Illegally elilchen from Ihe list. I'mly nticti ciisnsfrom tlie second nud Third Winds worn broughtnto (,'oiirl on Tncilii) by one I in set . Mr Samuelllnlcs. Tho Court tit elded ll it Hie) could notgrant any it'dress within three dim previous tothe tlocllon. Hut it wits tv 1 1 h 1 11 tin isn veil threedii)ti tlm' Iho uiiliu's had bet 11 illegally strickennil. This was Win linden by which tho wludoliirlsdli 1 Ion of ihu Court w a . taken uway, nudIt was a now nnd migln il ibnlgo.Tho insult leiiice I he Colllii lis In tlio hands (iftho S.11110 men who In less that ten )cars 1 11c incii'iiei'd tlm cuipoiitti' debt from I' tsai' om, nnd inxailiiii from find to ((i.iinii'lie J-inil iis-txsed vnl'iutlon. 'J'hls Is Iho loudl.iiil ipon ' 11 .pioi rty, i.t'd liibi.r lu I lul 1'cip , 1 Hv lln- ll. 1. wi 1 01 ir I It . nil ' rtih nue I im m w 14. 1 nn tl'is ci'inmiiiiliv 1. cniilnf a lulu i t Ititiid lu which the highestnllll lull 1, 1I10 lending pa Is ami liuki tat if 1condili t III ofli i a 11 it i' 1 f I Ii 1 1 PieImrwirtanoo, hoonusn when tho day of olocthinnrrlvtw vonal organ t will whltowaali tho "partycandidates," and knaves will fraudulently cloutliiouifTho F.lrcllnu In Drtkotn.Vanktom, OoI. P. Ill tho elootlon forDclogato to Congroiw yestorday In this Territorytho ttopubllcnn voto was divided botwoon twocandidates, Judgo llroolilnis nnil Oil. Moody,lleturns rocolved uji to 8 o'clock to-night makosuro the olectlon of Annjtrotig, Democrat, by asmall plurality.Mil. atlEELEY IN BALTISIOItlt.Ilia Hpcech before Iho Mnryland AgrlcitlluralHoclctr.IIaltimoue, Oct. 10. Homco Oreeley dellvercd an address before tho Maryland HlnteAgricultural Bocloty to-day, at the Fair grounds,treating especially on thn Improvomotit of wornout lands. About twelve thousand persons weropresent. Tet-nlght thero wa-. a grand torchlightprocession by Democratic clubs from all thowards, which was rotlowcd by Mr. Orooloy.rrovlnus to tho passing of tho procession, Mr.Oroolcy addrcssod an Immcnso crowd congregate J In front of Cnrrolltin Hall, ns follows 1ttTirrjn or MinTUNtM I greet yon ss co-vi orkerjla SCfittimon cauie, the ceaac ot our whole country imdevery part of It -the eauae of every rnco and every claeatn that country. I plead fur rational reconciliation,lrl'.adfortercitoriiiloqof comiuyn .ncMs lo everyclthtcn now deprlfcd uf them. T uthujlasllc t heir;tig.J I plead fur that unity, uf feUtctt wltkouttehfeh the uniy of tertlttirr and Ihc unityof (lovercment are of imall atrnunt. Let us he onopeople, an American people, forgelllng onr il frerericei,deploring our pan calamines, and reiolted that. weshall 0 ei more lie a nulled aud ha nnouioiis people, furthat cvuii) of national unity and prosperityI Hand and tcatlly. 1 besrech yuu letnnhlng dlacnungo juu. lo press on to thaitriumph which will certainly be accented to 111, If n itIn the near future, al a later day. tlur cai ie Is Juit.Let ui never doubt, tien. that a generous petpie milaccord It, aud that time Mull write our memories greenIn that we nettr ili'pilred uf, our country, neverdeierted her, and never wlilieil to miltetins cltlren the enemrot the other, at a llute whenthore waa too much bllterneis, but pltad fur peace andreconciliation. Plcned ate the peacemakers. .Let usendeavor lo deierve and enjoy tint bleaimg. V rlenit.1 cannot reach you with tuy voice, and therefore willcloie. Great cheering.)Mr. Oreeley left for New York on the eleveno'clock train to-night.HUNTING I'Oll A MAYO II.The Tnmninny nud Llbernl Committers millal tscn-l'lenir of Tnlk 11 ml Nothing DoneWhy lint TnUe AloMindcr T. Hievrnri fTho Tntnninny nntl tho Liberal Iteiiublican General Committees each apiolntcd n commltteo of twenty-one to confer lu regard to whowere tho beet ur inoi.t available men to bo nominated fur Mayor, Ceironcr, and Aldermen. ThoCommittees of Twcnty-ono appointed suh-com-nilttees.eachliuuilicrlngseveti, making togethera sub-commlttco of conference which shnnldhear tho claims of the different political bodies,confer with each other nnd with tho variousorganizations as to who should bo nominated,and report the result of tholr deliberations totho Comtnltleos of Twenty-one. who In turnshould report their deliberations to the city audcounty com outputs to be held to-day. Neitherof these committees have power to recommendany one. They arc only Intended to get the sentiments of the voters for the Information of thoConvention.CAMlinATIo roil MVTOll.The suWominltteo of conference met sgalnyesterday In Tammany Hall at V o'clock. T herowere present Abram S. Hewitt, Chairman i Augustus Scliell. John Kelly. Col, Thomas Dunrap, K. L. Donnelly, and Thomas A. Lodtvlth,Democrats i John Cochrane. Mr. Van Cleft, rhos.15. Mewart. (leorge W. I'almcr, and Ira O. Miller,Liberal ltepublk-ans. They proceeded to canvass tlie merits of tlio gentlemen whoso namesnre under ciitislderatlon, tho deliberations beingcurried on conversationally. The names submitted for tlie Mayoralty were William 11. Duncan, Oswald otteiidnrfer, Islwatd Cooper. JohnKelly. Augustus Schell, William 11. Wleklinm,John McCool, Abraham It. Lawrence, Smith Uy,James f. Thayer, and John It. Itrady.These gentlemen havo been consulted as totheir probable acceptance If iiotnlnated, andmany of them debllne. Amorg those who say1111 me Messrs. Duncan, belly, Schell, aud llrady.Mr. Orteiidorfer also declines.TALK.besides discussing among themselves tho subCoininllt 'O yesterday received ooititniitecs fnunother organizations. Ti e W.Tkiiiginetrs I nlonappeared with a demand for thrco Aldermen,the nlternaWio seeming to bo thai they wouldvote for ll llrlen for Major. Ttiey weie politelyInformed Unit their wish would bo presentedto tho Committees ef Twenty tine, bywhom It Is not likely to ho veryfavorably received. Tho Lltiernl Ilepiibllcanpartv demanded the appointment of live Aldermen. This was referred to tho larger rtimtnlttee, who received the request In a way which Indicated Hint that body thought the LiberalHe publicans asked altogether too much.Then there was more talk among tho committee. llx-Slicrlll Kelly was n favorite with all.and tho committee would doubtless hate prosi'tited his name with favorable iindoriements,but that Mr. Kelly positively dei lined to accepttho proffered honor, 'the session of the committee was secret. Tho reporter was Informedthat an Informal ballot for a nominee resulted :(Itteiidorfer, tlVj votes; lgtwrencc, 8.' votes. ItIs not likely that anv ballot was taken, for asthere nre hut fourteen In thesub-coiumlttce theabove vote would Indicate repeating.A NlftllT SESSM.V.Yesterday nitinilng's sessit. 11 of the sub-committeelasted from P to HI. 'Ihe ciiinmlltee metngatn nt :.. last night and In. I aimtlicr tall'.They itlso received a delegation of two, of which.Mr. John llo)Ieof tlio l.Ieictith Ward vvas Chairman, from the .Nntl. nud Democracy, Mr. Ilovlesaid that the committee waa to hate consisted of ten, but that on tne strength of thoiinnoiincementa in Iho evening newspapers HintMr. Dlteudnrfer had been the successful candidate for the, they Ind consideredtho husliiiss completed and no had nut come.11 r. lln) h was vcr) cettiUdeut that Joiin Mi Coolwas the only mini In Nv York who could beatJames OTIrlen nt tlio polls. Mr. llolo enteredtho conference chamber nnd made a vigorousspeech In favor of McCool Mayor. W0I1 miniman for Coroner, and 1'lunUltt for Alderman.MOItK TALK,After Mr. Iloylo withdrew the committeebegan talking again. Thoro was no deilnlloaction regarding tho nominations for Coroner orfor Aldermen. Kadi branch of the enminltteohas ithoiit twenty-nvo candidates for Aldermen,but thctliscus.slou rot to what tli ui could crvslulUn tho Dotiii" rntlc-Llbernl party on the vote forMavor win tho only tuple, fiothltig. however,was hiitlled upon when tho committee adjourned.nn: Aro 1. 1.0 11 .1 1.1. co?iMirn:i:.Preparing for llusbiess-A ppnltilinenl of Comlulllees -A Committee at' Conference Or-ilerrd-llolTimes Abend.The Democrat li Heform r.xectttlvo C0111ntltteo met In Apollo Hall laft evening. Samuel0. Courtney, Alderman Van Pchitlck, 1'ranrls M.lllxby, Henry L. Clinton, ex-Coroner I'lynn. oxAlilermnn Moore, Jntnes W. Colllnr, I'clnr Cu.klu. tho Hun. Jnmesulncr. ntul other prominentmembers of tho nnicilion, wero present.Judge Alex S uiildlng 1 resided. Alex. V. Davidson was Secretary. 'Iho following committees w ere apiioiiiii tl :'linn, e .bee'ih A. Mnnhelmer, .Tutliii Vndswnth,( litis. Seliwariwnelder, W in 1 Parnit, ivtcr l-ilii') ,W 1 1. 1 . w hiiiirv, utt'i llu w 1 II ic HjIi h.', nl' . Alift'llusii Van rclmlelt, lln!s?rt N inney,Piiilerli. Pith) , .Isinea tl. tlritikuisu, John Moore, an. IAlt'i. V. Hat lib., u.Mr. Hatch moved Hint the (Tialnnnn appoint nCoiiim tleo of Couloreiice, lo coiislist of oneinrmbcr from each Asseuibl) Distilct.A mnniber moved to liincnd by sillntltiltlllg" noiniiiatn" for appoint. Ho said thai tho c inmltteo would hate to beuppulntt'd by the Chairman nf the County Convention, and It was forIhe Lxccullto Cummlttco to miggcel tl.oirniiincs. The iiiiieiulineiit una adopted.A member moved t" further iimeiid that thor.iecutltii Committee In em It Assembly DistrictboiiuthorUiil to nominate 11 lepii'seiitallui tosent' on tho Coiiluii'iice Committee. Thisamendment was lost. An appeal was iniulti fiomIlm decision of the Chair. Tho iiii'sllon onntiieiidiiicnl whs put a se olid tiiuo and declared1, 1st.A Voice Hun auuut niy appeal from the tbclslun ufthe I'hulrZ.linlcti tipaiildlng It's all si tiled with declslun on Ihelillleinunenl.A '.olee -Ulve 111 Ihc imiiiea of the Cotnnittlee nnNstiirsiizstlitii. 'I here are msnr whn want in he usturallied luiiiicitiatel), and wo wish tu know tho uaiuus ofthe ciintiiiiilte.Judge M'suldlng-I will appoint Ike cniiirilllee durlug the ett'iiiiig. I dt'liiy apinintlng tlieiu hcciuse 1wlati lu inline men wliu enn give tlulr undli hied linnand lu luc bualiiiis. We dun'l wauliuiuufsirnw un this cull ii'lttue.Jndgn Spnuhling -'tliseiiuently named as Ihorommitlco Juincs 1 .icr, 11.1111 is Dull). Jam 'sA. llurloy, I'. J. Caincy, und lllclurd Welch.Tliocnniiultteo will hold their scs-ions In .laiiieHOlitem law olhce, lu Loicjnys old hotel 011I'nrk row.Tickets tn the County ( onvenllon wero distributed subsequent lo adjournment.Tlie I'.lu III li Ward l.ll'crli Club,Tlio r.lghth Ward Liberty Cl'.b met III tin Irruuiiii, 1 Huilsuu lti'i 1 lait en ulng. Il.r) in nun a uX st" .1 ir Mlt hail ' otic 1 f. r lue A le' 'hit Iran IHut 101 Aiilin 11 and n-e put tiisr I 'u nisi N, I11 A ii sm rui 11. le, a u In u 1 11.1 ti1 'i 1THE YESTCIIESTEIi MOT, jl HDEO IN NINO Or THE OVPIOIAZ IN' rl 1 llYEHTIOATION. IHThe Conductor nnd Hit. Ilrakemrii Tell lbs ., ';' HIllsgrncrfitl Morr-Tcrrlblc Hocues In Oai I' c HCrst-A Met or.llndmen. t IHI'll stinut to tlio following ortlor n8xolnl . jCoturuf Inquiry convened ycotonlay at Mclros .to ascertain and Inquire Into tho facts of the dU j Hgraoeful riot ou the Ilurlom llallroad cars 00 'Sopt.aJ: aasHSxrsTrn Psioini, N. O, P. N. THl i HHHHMrLnnss, N. V, Oct. I, IS73. I I ! 1flrrnst. Otnsa No. u. A tpeclal Court of Inquiry " JIJHwill be held on Thursdsy, the 10th dsy of October, In- I ' UJJJHslant, at 10 o'clock A. M., at Mclrue, at Armory of 1 t H1,'umpany O, lo Inquire Into Iho conduct nf Companies 1A and O of Ihe 1 tilrd llegiuirnl, N II. B. N, Y.. In rets , IjHlion to an alleged nnl en the cars of tho Harlem llsJI-raid, on HicSMIi of Scpte'iiucr Inst, and omclallr oun- ' JHarmed by a rrpurt ot tor. unhr. O. I ai.cnnruiindlnii ' JJJJHsaid rcrlmcnt. listed Sept. 37, 19,3. Tbo tojrt Is Ue 1 ; iIJIJHalructeil to Siceriaia sad rt'purll1. L'pnn the urnersl suienient and tifiletsl rcpnr', ts lllasiiiHttltt wUctLcr bolhuf ssld cuniiiaaua,oriiHV.f f th,ni. .... tfaHIIIH3. wliat riuiitiiliilonsil nfTlei rs were riigsged la It. 7Heltht r by aiding or giving luuu enauic, ur lu any way 1 jjHencouraging 11. . Tll.) What not nmmlMlnned nrneera wrreenpsged In It. iH1. What privates or other members were rtihgea. . ll,. llowmsny members ortiitierprrsnni were wuuLdeiS . Slh- Ihe hs)oueis or artnsof lliecoa piny, or iu aay ollur 1 VfHway hy Ihe metnb ra nf the eonipanlis. 'laiiiiiiHl, llns inant ineiuleniif ll.ciuiniiaiilciwcrcarrfittd IfHby the ptihce rurcniiiiectlon wilh the ritit. sj saaaaaaaaaaaj1. Ilosr many tin inticra of isch company were Intoil- tl tlHeitetl, tir In Ihe least unrlt fur inilllary duty fruin tho it Uletlrctaiif liaunr, from Iho litre of Ihelr arrival ot Weil IJHMount Vrriiuii until their duuibsal at ihelr annnrlrs. II6. How many memlHra to lt) their fare, ur in jl 11 Bsny wit atni. nl the condu.tor or otacr employed ot J rllHthe rallrusd company. .1 JHIhe Court will give proper notice lo the Harlem IUU. I' QIIIHroad t'nmrsny and their wltnisies to enihle Iheui to , llHptetcnt such evidence aa ihey insv desire ogvlnatlho i, TtMalleged rluters. and uio all rtaiunablo evcrtluni to glio N JfHthe esso tarty atleullon. QaHHIHLieut. Col. John Davis Hatch trill pre' Idc at Ihe court. 1 ksillHCapt C. tV.htorru will act aa Juilgc-Advoi ale. 1 )Hllyorderof Ocn. Jisii Ittnaa. i, AHJAiis w. l'.xpxit, Lleab-Coloncl and A. A.u. ' jHTlir. CONDl'CTOll'f. BTOllY. j HHWilliam Oroshon was tho Orst witness sworn, SHand testlOed as follows : 'IbHHIHI waa conductor on the Harlem Ttoad on IhcMtti of 'iaBBBBBBBalFertemlief last. I knew noueo! the soldiers on tbe s,aaaaaaajtrain, neither did I know lite rsnk of the oncers In nHcharge. One I Int Lleulrnant wai tn lbs car. Scleral JHother comnileiloned otneers were on the train, tut iiuna liHhadaajtliUiff to do with the Qitttirhance, They wero illeoilesturlug to quell the illilurbaute. About twenty- tlHAre or thirty prlvalea w ere In Ihe ear, but 1 do noi know 'lHto what compsnv Ihev iK'hinged. 1 did nut go In Ins WHcar durlcie the dlituruancc, as It waa n it safe fur me to dHIn 10, Mauy were uhiik th-lr hayuncli. 1 left ftaiiiiiMWhile Plains at UM V. M. When I nsared llHMount Vernon I law a partr of suldlers inHnumbering U) or ro on thr platform walling MHto come on the train I put moit all tn ear No, fts, which CHso nearly empty. Thr cars ate made lo icat alily per. AlHsons. 1 tot., the officers of tho companies to nil up the ITbbbbbbbbbIrear car. They hsa hardly Isken ihilr teals when lbs . nfHfirhtiug began. The majurlty of the men were toloal- I uHcaled, bevcral wire on tbe rear platfunn, and during aaculflc one ot the mcL Init his musket. Another pulled sBthe rope 10 atop tne train, When Ihe train Hupped I iiHordered the rnglnter to go ahead. 1 then went ou tha I iMfrom platformuf the rear ear ecdcavt rlng lo collect i flllBIhr lares. Several paid, bnt icvrral olhcra look no no- iMlies of mc, they were so worked up In tl.e flglit. I out.lecled icvrral farea In tho smoklug ur. 'frentont It 1 ltl.e third atatlon from YVuodtawn.and It takos twelva u lmlnntea to run It. Thebrakeman locked the dnoraof f lllihe car. I called In the car a iccenil lima In collect tnf 1 llfares and auccccdcd In collectings few. The flshl was Iami going on. Onsofllcer nf thn rompanr weut off al r aaaaaaaaj1'iirdliiin. I iaw li teral of the men usttig their mua. . saaaaaajkets la a rcckleis manner. Several bad Ihelr bayoaels I vrllHdrawn from their fhcatbj. ( filTill'. WOIIST 1'tllT OF THE I ICIIT jMwas ttetwe-ea Mount Vernon and Woodlawn. One man aasiBlaptrartd perfectly crazy. 1 iaw leteral men with , sjiHscars and cutercd with hluod. Tbe cniblons of the car .UHwere all cut, one lamp Sroken. seicral panes of rlruj rassssHbroken, and the furniture considerably Urnled. The ilCUililoni were ail cutenu wuu iiiuuu, 1 saw several vaaaaaaaajmen thtt were wounded. One man washsdlr woundisl, 4sisHand was taken ntftho car at Konlliim. 1 he police tookIhe men frum the train at Tremnnt. 1 sent for the po- rlHlice. About ten men came under sergeant steers. They ilHurlered all the men from thr rear car. I law no oppo- iHillloti on Ihr part of the lolJleri toward Icing re- ilasiBniorcd. I did not go into Ibe car with Ihe police. Tlie tiHefjc rs were tr) lug lo furm ranks when it.e tralaleft. iH1 iaw no men put uoder arre I. I cullected only seven- i'IItrco fares from Ihe two compantei. I telegraphed at VasiHWllllaiiiibrldSL' fur the police. The other passengers t ullHstiii were In the rear cur weut lo a forward car aa aooa I tlai the fighting oeifan. The car ahead nf the rearcar 'bbiHhad twclte or ftflren men In 11. tome of the lneu wers .lasiHquiet, while uthera were using abuilie lauguage, ao IjHmuchao thai several of the ladles were very lauca tiHfrlghltncd. HlHarrison lloberts sworn. ' tl1 am s brakrman oa the Harl m patltrostt. 1 u ca lasHMr. lirushtu's nam on Ihe Stall of hrptrmbir. tad- SHt lieu the conductor nut to try to culle -t lae fares, aa plHhis life would he cndin.ered hy 10 doing. I saw the IHcoudiictur trilng to collect lie fires, and many rtv JHfued. T lev ut re locki d up lit ttie car 111 co sequinca uHnf Ihe dl.turhaure aud tuprntLt them from going Into ' illHIhc cars. ','BTlie remainder of the testimony stibttantlatod iilthat of the former witness, 2atHCoruilliis Mi Kav.anullior brukoman, testlfiod :Shortly alter taking the inlilleri on board the) began SHflglitli g. M'Vtral faitenetl melr hayuntti to Ihelr aiua- JstsHkt ti. and thrt stened lu kill other men. Ther wercmost jHall intnvtcaieif. The rter pisiform of the rarwaacur I SHh d with oiood. I an tl one or Ihe soldiers what caused iHIt, audhe and that one Ihe inin rau ckVsHa ntvoNtrr Tiinornii AMtrtirit'A iikao. flThe dnurs were then lotkedanit at the m il ilitloa elsHwe telegraphed fur the police. Ihey had nut yrl ar iHrliedwh. a we came to Fremont. 1 wn then tent 10 ratstHthe itstluu houie by the conductor. Sergeant steers iilcame down wilh a body of men and trttsl 10 make tho aHuldkragit off Ihe train, hat wai met by tiiinlt. Tha llaHortlcers of Ihc companies finally suecceded In fumilug SHthe mou tulo Hue uu tlio ptstfuini.William Londragin, middle brakeman, toatU iShortly after the train Kartell with Ihe aoldleraon , IHhoard I heard thsi there was a disturbance In car No. 1 )Hus. I went Into the tar ami saw a aoldlcr fasten hla 'bayonet tu his muiket and heard him aay he would rnu .ijlHIt through another man. I pr veuted him. On thatillicr end nf the rar tome twenty or thirl) men were "Hall In a heap ptiiuhlni; ereli uihir with their Oiti aud JasHitrlklug rath uihir with Hull u.uikcts. llJohn llyun tcstllled : iH1 am tritn iwltt htusn In Ihe Orand Central depot. I Hlgnt un the tram at w illlstiiibrhlse and ssw ihrce sol. Illditrs coming utf, tine of iheji. wounded In the hand orwrlti. 1 sdTiseil hlin to gn tu a drug iture and hare his IbIIwuuuds drrssed, hut he refilled snd returned to ilm car. lllHIn tlie car many nitu tiere ngl.tit.g. I ssw no ufllcer rtw lllHitrsinllig Ihi'lii. tt c at llrst nniittd In iletat h the car lu kHw tilth the suldlers wi rr ngiitiiis'. but we fesred Ihst thaol.ilcr would detr .y It w e t'n 11 lelrrsplied fur tho kaHpolice lu lueel us at the nest nation,Tho Court here ndjouriicd to meet 011 Monday filnext lu W lillo I'lntiis, lilWILLIAM lti:.M:Tl'S SlflT. fl'crllons It I il I us In n Jersey Cllv Mreel fsr-rnsscncerti Ditshrd In every lllltsllou 1?lr, llenuell gt la tA,tIIU Ilnnniii s.Un tint Hill of November InM, n ilmlc imd 11very stormy night, tlio Court House rar which iHloft the Jon-ey City furry nt tho foot of bxohaugo 'Hplace about 7 o'clock was crowded inside ttnd on llihe platform with nhout llfty o.iesengers. Tho 'Jbbhcur passed up .Newark incline to ihe cronalng of ilHi t .New Jersey Il.iilnml, where, as usual, Itrami) to a halt. The gnto man called out "(Jonio011.' Tho tl.lter etarled his Iuu st s, nnd niterhating passed nearly under Ihe gate, thti saino iHvoice cried outMtlo biu'k." Atthubumo tliuo '.JHIho man 011 the otiposlto side began to lower ihis gale. Tho mils') nf nn approaching Htrain was Iteard, and Iho head light of .1 loeonio-live was seen tlirough tin il.irliuoss and storm. lHV'or 11 iiioiuent, In tlie words of a passenger, "tha tHhorses, driver, nnd passengers liec.tuiu parnlyz- jaslled." Tno driver reentered himself, ciled out, iH"Hot out, the cars aro coming.'' Most of tlioso 'bsIon tlio platform escaped Just as there was 11 run- )nlcucaloti, and tills t or more pcr-uti.nt ere thr 'ttti IHIn own dircclb'ii. W hen the train was epippcd,two nu n, n young woiutiu, mill 11 boy were found ..asfloil the cow-cnteher of the loc'iiiotitt', iAmong llitisn who were 1 aught up hy tho coir- ,iHcatcher win William w. IU iiti. lt. 11 regulator ofptiiuoforle inoveuicnts. lie 11 us Injured severely,and siistiiliietl iN'imanent Injuries to bis eyes, tkaHlli liiintt liistllutcil suit against tbe railroad coni'puny I" reenter f""ci d.tin.igii, and tint ttuto .JHoccupied 1 early all of jesti id.iy and the tiny 'Hprot Ions, before Judge lleillc. Tlie Htm IeonAbbett was his coiiuscl, and the rallro'id com-paiiy wij represented by the Hon. l-.nn W. IHM'tiddcr, 'fMMr. Ilcnnett was the final witness. He t -II- Hfled in siilisinneii thai glteii abittit 1 1 e .1 111 lailtof Mlcliitol Mi.riis, who Is now In lairoi" . 1 or. ,rolioratetl lus ler-iliui'iiy. Au-'iistiis II. llniullton, Mi's l'aytoti, unit Thuui.i-s McCuriiiin ubol.i uasVltzimtrlck ! stilled that In ft It as If howas being piislied lhl"iigha )liiub'r. Ilnftnilidhlm-clf lying In the mil) .d tho tmcl,. anil sawIhe t am pas'lng iiict' his Iii .td. he Judged at tlmrate of twenty indes 1111 hour. II" wild he after- ' jHwartl iiioasuicd the dlslui'ie, iuiil found thul hihad I'i't'll I in 011 11 1 hli t ) - .'iglit lo f'tft ) feet. JMLiMly llir. h. ic-ldiiig In Meri erstreot, whn llnearly blind ft"tn liijuius siisinliieil III tlio colllsloii, titit led to Iho wllni'ss slaud, Sim she rcc'lli it' d riding tu tho railroadcro'.sliig. luit notliliig fuitlicr nller the collision IHiiuiil she loiiiid litiBi'lf lu tliu hospital, wherti-he it'iiiailiod lite weeks.The cilsi' wivs given to Hie Jury at 1 n'clnclt.a'id11 ft ir being nut an hour nud ahulfthey remlcioda vc, ill. t In favor of tho Plaintiff nr fri.uii,'1 hu 1110 of lUs llircli Is it dltirossiug ono. Slia IHwas 11 sewing girl In New Vnrk, and herwldowodmiiiher wiis aimo-t entirely dependent upon tier IHlor support. Wlillo lying III the hospitul it Is ul.leged Hint she was iippiouclioil In ull agent of , ctiinpany, wliu oirercd hci f 'n'i lint lHto liMllniln n Holt ., galint them. Tho i ttiiip.iny 'mmildly conipioinlicd f L'aO. Slin u H1.1l timo Halio h.ut betin constantly under medical trcittmcnt. Tim fl,ai is nuirly exhausicil. and shaU loft ctipplid for hfe. with her eyes so im. jHpainid tliiilslini.uiil'.iioUiins fur tho upioU (Huf imr-ilf ur her in nlur. jHNnl (ii'utlif Mierniiin.I The Slue man who went to riillntlolphla with1 .i 1 no d kr 0 I- t ll.l

Sworn Enemy The Beginning Of The End Rar


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